Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay about Butler Lumber Case Study Solution - 644 Words

Butler Lumber Case Study Solution Options: The Butler Lumber Company (BLC) could obtain from Suburban National Bank maximum loan of $250,000 in which his property would be used to secure the loan. Northrop National Bank is considering BLC a line of credit (LOC) of up to $465,000. BLC would have to sever ties with Suburban National if they were to have this LOC extended to them. | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991Q1 | EBITDA coverage (times) | 2.5 | 2.26 | 2.15 | 2.1 | Debt Equity Ratio | 0.55 | 0.59 | 0.63 | 0.67 | Current ratio | 1.80 | 1.59 | 1.45 | 1.61 | Quick ratio | 1.37 | 1.09 | 0.67 | 0.54 | Return on sales (margin) | 1.8% | 1.7% | 1.6% | 1.7% | Return on assets | 5.2% | 4.6% | 4.7% | 4.9% | Return on equity |†¦show more content†¦I came up with $3.2m by taking the 1st quarter revenue of $718,000 which is historically approximately 22.5% of the yearly revenue. Assuming this holds true again in 1991, the annual revenue in 1991 will be around $3.2m. This is a 19% year over year increase in revenue for BLC, which is in line with their year over year growth in 1989, and less than the 34% in the best year, 1990. The margins are not great for this industry, and BLC is no exception. Even with the excellent year over year growth in revenues for this company, BLC is on pace for another dismal year of net income in the high $40k. The net income for this company has been constant; $31k in 1988, $34k in 1989, $44k in 1990, and an estimated $49k in 1991. Net income of this size should not warrant extending a line of credit to this company. As the banker, I would not grant a LOC or any other type of loan this size. I would consider granting this company a smaller LOC with the similar stipulations of maintaining an appropriate working capital amount, fixed asset purchases would need bank approval and that Butler would put up personal property and his insurance policy as collateral for the loans that the businessShow MoreRelatedButler Lumber Company Case Study1644 Words   |  7 PagesButler Lumber Company Case Study Hoffmeister M-W 4:30 – 5:45 Group #3 Sam Rosenbaum Joel Valenti Meg Lee Stephanie Grob Butler Lumber Company Summary of Facts. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Issue Of Mandatory School Uniforms - 953 Words

The issue of mandatory school uniforms is one that has gained a lot of traction in the recent years. As you could imagine proponents of school uniforms will say that it increases graduation rates and decreases school violence. Opponents of it will say that it restricts freedom of expression, and is way to further restrict students’ rights. In a world where we are continually being restricted on our rights the positives of mandatory uniforms does not outweigh the negatives, because restricted kids’ minds at such a young age is a dangerous precedent. No one will debate that students should not be able to wear whatever they want. They should not be able to wear shirts that have racist or sexist text on them, or images that portray violence or anything like that, but students should be able to express themselves through how they dress. Proponents of school uniforms say that it lowers victimization and increase student safety. They say this is done a few ways; one by separating students from strangers and also by lowering gang activity. They also say it increases student achievement and lowered behavioral problems, they also say it increases self-esteem and esprit de corp among the students (Rockquemore). Opponents of mandatory school uniforms say it infringes on a student’s right to express themselves. Opponents also state that these uniform rules are mostly being used in inner city schools, were buying mandatory uniforms can cause a financial burden. Finally they state thatShow MoreRelatedSchool Uniforms939 Words   |  4 Pagesover mandatory school uniforms is a raging topic in our country. Proponents of school uniforms conclude that there are many potential benefits to mandatory school uniforms, while opponents heartily challenge their claims. Potential benefits include: socioeconomic equalization, reduction in student violence and theft, restriction of gang activity, and improved focus in classrooms. Although these benefits would vastly improve our public education system, there is no clear evidence that school uniformsRead MoreSchool Uniforms Should Not Be A Requirement For School892 Words   |  4 PagesUniforms: Should they be a Requirement for School While in a perfect world many educators say that school uniforms are an asset but I have to say school uniforms are detrimental to the students. School uniforms are a financial hardship on low-income families, make students a target for bullying, infringe on a students’ freedom of expression rights and they teach students a negative lesson about conformity. Show the opposing side of mandatory school uniforms it will be shown that the uniformRead MoreShould School Uniforms Be Mandatory?1280 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout my time in school I was consistently filled with anxiety over looking my best, and I am sure many other people (girls especially) felt this from middle school through high school. The solution is uniforms! 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Although school uniforms for students may have many negative effects, school uniforms may help with reducing the amount of distractions, thereforeRead MoreSchool Uniforms1566 Words   |  7 Pagesfor School Uniforms A safe and structured learning environment is the first requirement of a good school. Children who feel safe and secure will better learn basic American values. In return they will learn the basis of good citizenship and become better students. In response to growing levels of violence in our schools, many parents, teachers, and school officials have been forced to look toward school uniforms as one potentially positive way to reduce discipline problems and increase school safetyRead MoreSchool Uniforms And The School Uniform Policy964 Words   |  4 Pageslearning-oriented schools for their children. In 1996, President Bill Clinton challenged schools that â€Å" †¦ if it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms.† (Boutelle 36). As a result, the Manual on School Uniforms was issued by the government to provide guidelines for those considering establish ing a school uniform policy. Ever since, proponents and opponents of mandated school uniforms haveRead MoreSchool Uniforms Should Not Be Mandatory847 Words   |  4 PagesSchool systems have debated for years if they should make school uniforms mandatory for all students. Some parents do not want school systems to mandate uniforms due to pressure from their children to be able to maintain their individuality through clothing, while other parents prefer uniforms to reduce spending money on name brand school clothes and to minimize associations with gangs. 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Child Abuse There are thousands of children each w Essay Example For Students

Child Abuse There are thousands of children each w Essay eek that are abused andeven killed at the hands of their parents, guardians and caretakers. Whatis even more astounding is the number of children that are abused and it isnever even reported. According to the National Center on Child Abuse andNeglect. In 1997 about 3 million children in the United States werereported as abused or neglected to government agencies that investigatechild abuse (Child Abuse1). People who witness the child being abusedwill normally do two things: make a phone call to help the child or turnthere heads the other way because they do not want to get involved. How would one define child abuse? Child abuse, also referred to as childmaltreatment, is the result of physical or emotional trauma to a childinflicted from a parent or an adult caretaker (Child Abuse1). Child abusedoes not only affect those of a certain race or wealth. It does notdiscriminate from color, religion, sex or income. Child abuse can affectwealthy families as well as poor families. Child abuse is a cycle. Children who grow up in abused or neglectedenvironment are more likely to abuse their children than a child who grewup in a healthy one. The cycle continues until it is broken by that childor by someone who is willing to help the child. The first form of childprotection came from a group called Society for the Prevention of Crueltyto Animals. Mary Ellen, an eight-year-old girl, stood up in the SupremeCourt of New York in 1874 and told her story of how she had never receivedlove from her mother. The only thing she received from her mother was dailybeatings and whippings. The social worker that was working on Mary Ellenscase turned for help to the founder of Society for the Prevention ofCruelty to Animals because the court was not going to acknowledge childabuse as breaking the law. The community activist that the social workercalled upon decided to use every resource he had to help convince thecourt. They won. The mother went to prison and Mary Ellen was adopte d. Shortly after Mary Ellens case, the Society for the Prevention of Crueltyto Children in New York was formed (Morales 2). Mary Ellens case helpedopen the public eye on child abuse in 1874. There are several types of child abuse: physical, emotional, sexual abuseand neglect. There are two types of neglect; physical and emotional. Physical abuse is when a parent or caretaker is physically harming thechild, by beating, kicking or throwing them. Physical abuse is 22% of allsubstantiated cased of abuse(Physical Abuse 1). Physical abuse is theeasiest form of abuse to identity. The six physical indictors of abuse are bruises, burns, lacerations,abrasions, skeletal, head, and internal injuries. Bruising on a childs body, when it is a result of abuse, is normally onthe bodys posterior and in unusual patterns. These are signs that thebruises are not accidentally related when in clusters, bruising on infantsand multiple bruising in various stages of healing. Second are burns on a childs body are also done in unusual patterns. Some signs of burns not being accident related are immersion burns:doughnut-shape burns on the buttocks. Cigarette burns on the hands andfeet, rope burns from confinement, dry burns caused by irons are all signsthat the child is being abused. Third are lacerations and abrasions. When it comes to the lacerations andabrasions on the abused childs body, it is usually on the lips, eyes, onan infants face, on gum tissue caused by the parent force-feeding thechild, and cuts on the external genitals. The fourth sign is skeletal injuries. Injuries include fractures of thelong bones from twisting and pulling, separation of bone and shaft, spiralfractures, detachment of tissue of bone and shaft, and stiff and swollenenlarged joints. Injuries like this are hard for a child to do on his orher own. The fifth indictors are head injuries. Head injuries include missing orloosened teeth, absence of the hair, hemorrhaging beneath the scalp fromhair pulling, retinal hemorrhages from hitting or shaking the child andnasal or jaw fracture. The sixth form of physical child abuse is internal injuries. Out of thesix, internal injuries are not visible to the naked eye. It requires adoctors examination and testing to see if the child has internal injuries. For a doctor to determine if the injuries are a result of abuse he or shelooks for intestinal injuries from hitting or kicking, rupture of heartrelated blood vessels and inflammation of abdominal areas. The doctor canusually tell if it was an accident relate injury or if the child was abusedby the injuries he or she had received. That is if the child gets to thehospital to be examined by a doctor (Physical Abuse 1). Other forms of physical abuse are Shaken Baby Syndrome and Fetal AlcoholSyndrome. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the leading cause of mental retardationin babies. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a birth defect that developswhile the mother consumes alcohol while pregnant. As a result of the motherdrinking, alcohol will travel not only through her body but travelsstraight through the placenta to the baby. When the baby is born, it ismore than likely it will suffer from low birth weight, have trouble feedingand sleeping, and since the baby is no longer in the womb, it will sufferfrom alcohol withdrawal. The face of the newborn will be distorted and disfigured. The eyes are mostlikely to be slit, the lips will be thinned, especially the upper lips, lownasal ridge and small jaw line. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome can cause severeneurological damage. The child can suffer from attention and memorydeficit, hyperactivity, and difficulty with abstract concepts and problemsolving. The infants body and organs never work properly and the childcould suffer from muscle, bone and joint problems. The genitals and heartcan be defected along with the kidneys. The vision, dental, hearing andgrowth can be destroyed and mental retardation, behavioral problems andepilepsy may occur. In severe cases of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, infants havebeen known to have still born or early death during infancy (Fetal AlcoholSyndrome 1). Bill of Rights Essay Injuries include fractures of the long bones from twisting and pulling, separation of bone and shaft, spiral fractures, detachment of tissue of bone and shaft, and stiff and swollen enlarged joints. Injuries like this are hard for a child to do on his or her own. The fifth indictors are head injuries. Head injuries include missing or loosened teeth, absence of the hair, hemorrhaging beneath the scalp from hair pulling, retinal hemorrhages from hitting or shaking the child and nasal or jaw fracture. The sixth form of physical child abuse is internal injuries. Out of the six, internal injuries are not visible to the naked eye. It requires a doctors examination and testing to see if the child has internal injuries. For a doctor to determine if the injuries are a result of abuse he .

Campaign Exploiting SMB Vulnerability †

Question: Discuss about the Campaign Exploiting SMB Vulnerability. Answer: Introduction: As a telecommunication giant, Verizon serves millions of customers who rely on its infrastructure to conduct their communications. This outcome makes the company a major source of information as clients continuously use its systems to exchange data, a facility that was breached earlier in the year. As reported by the companys representatives in July, the companys systems were compromised which left records of more than 14 million customers exposed. Now, according to the company, the attack was propelled by user negligence as the companys subcontracted organization failed to secure the data. In all, the customers affected did not prescribe to any unique service or product but included all the customers that contacted the customers care service within the six months prior to the attack(Sicilian, 2017). Now, the customer care services were held in a separate system as compared to other operations which helped isolate the attack. Nevertheless, the separate system did hold customers sensitive data including names, addresses and contact numbers as is the norm with most customer care services. Moreover, some customers did contact the centre to make inquiries on their access pins which led to their exposure when the breach occurred. However, according to the organization, the data breach was contained after being discovered by an independent Software researcher who hailed from Upguard security firm(Wisner, 2017). The attack, how and why? Verizon placed full blame on a third party member, who according to them was subcontracted to deal with the customer care service. In essence, Verizon had been using a cloud facility to host the communications made between its customers and itself. This cloud facility was set up using the Amazon S3 infrastructure as provided by Amazon web service (AWS). In addition to this, the company had given another party member the control of this service and were thus responsible for monitoring as well as maintaining the system. NICE Systems was the organization subcontracted by Verizon to manage the cloud infrastructure that hosted the customer care service(Deahl, 2017). So how did the breach occur? Well, at the time of the attack, an employee of the subcontracted company (NICE) failed to secure the data contained within the cloud servers. This error led to the exposure of millions of records as outlined above, moreover, the breach highlighted the extent of the data contained on the online servers as they had extensive log records from residential customers who were in contact with Verizon. However, even more worrying was the depth of the information uncovered as there were minimal reductions or any form of encryption. In fact, when viewed by the public eye the records contained clear text data that gave details such as names, security PINs and addresses. Furthermore, some records also contained the customers account balances. In all, the communications made between the organization and its customers were fairly displayed to the masses(Wisner, 2017). Why the attack occurred? (Vulnerability at hand) After the breach had occurred several investigations were conducted by independent researchers who later discovered that the subcontracted organization (NICE systems) had also undergone into a partnership with another organization. Therefore, the customer care service owned by Verizon had been subcontracted to an organization that had also taken another subsequent partner. Now, the other party member involved was Orange, a France based organization that also dealt with telecommunication services(Kumar, 2017). Nevertheless, the official cause of the attack was a misconfigured setting within the security protocols of the cloud infrastructure. Cloud infrastructures are known to have extensive security requirements owing to the amount of data they hold and the connections they use to facilitate this storage. For one, the internet is used as the main access platform which is well known to be pervasive, containing many security challenges. Therefore, the attack at hand occurred due to an error in the security settings which require an adamant security policy. Moreover, the continuous and subsequent chain of subcontractors made it even more difficult to ascertain the security measures put in place(Daitch, 2017). The possible solutions Cyber-security is always a challenging endeavour as there are so many considerations to be made. For one, the data used is continuously transmitted via multiple communication channels which have different users, who have different intentions. Secondly, the users involved are anonymous which makes accountability a difficult issue. Now, the problem is further intensified when a third party member is involved, as the subcontracted company will escalate the risks involved based on their security procedures. Therefore, the first solution would be to eliminate the third party members who are handling Verizons data, in fact, Verizon itself should handle its own data and if necessary engage a cloud service provider directly. However, they should have the ultimate control of the cloud infrastructure to ensure the best security procedures are put in place and followed(Verizon, 2017). In addition to this, the company should consider the nature of the problem at hand, where millions of records containing customers sensitive information are used. The organization should also consider the cloud infrastructure and the security requirements involved. Therefore, a detailed security policy should be implemented to guide the technical staff in deploying the online resources. Now, this policy would have access procedures to manage the availability of the information used. Furthermore, the same policy would enact cryptographic techniques of transmitting the information, having the right encryption, authorization and authentication. This final solution would help contain the datas confidentiality and integrity attributes that were lost because of this attack(Verizon, 2017). Identified by many as the greatest cyber-attack ever conducted in modern time, the WannaCry attack took out thousands of computers connected online. The attack was so severe that some places around the world faced full system shutdowns that to date are still being felt by the users as the malware used was deeply rooted within the online infrastructure. Furthermore, unlike other ransomware attacks, the malware at used employed extensive vulnerabilities within computer systems to advance its course and failed to have substantial weaknesses that could defeat it. In all, WannaCry was a new form of ransomware attack that infiltrated thousands of computers worldwide. In fact, at the start of the attack, an estimated 100 countries were affected including more than 200,000 systems(Sherr, 2017). Now, the attack was traced back to the United States where a black hats hacking group accessed the NSAs (National Security Agency) hacking tools which contained several techniques of compromising systems as outlined in it, cyber-weapons division. This group known as Shadow Brokers used the tools through a system vulnerability to infect many computers around the globe. In the attack, some of the countries affected were Russia, United Kingdom, China and Spain, where multiple systems from various business sectors were compromised(Mullin Lake, 2017). Those affected and how At the start of the attack in May, the initial reports estimated that more than 45,000 computers were affected across 99 different countries. Moreover, the attack did not isolate or target any specific field but instead used different networking connections to conduct its illicit actions. Nevertheless, some countries were more affected than others as most of their industries were heavily compromised as outlined by the aftermath of the attack. These countries were the United Kingdom, Russia and Spain. In the UK, the health sector was heavily affected as witnesses by medical practitioners and patients who were unable to conduct their daily activities. According to most of the staff employed by the health ministries, the NHS system (National Health System) was unavailable for consultation as many computers were permanently disengaged having ransom notes. These ransom notes demanded a substantial ransom amount of $300 in order to restore the data and files contained within the machines. This outcome forced the industry to halt its services across the country as the parties involved could not access the necessary data or records (medical records)(GReAT, 2017). In Russia and Spain, the private sector was hard hit as evidenced by the number of private companies affected. To start with, Russias banking industry was compromised which affected business operations. Moreover, a few public sector organizations and institutions were affected including the health and interior ministries. On the other hand, Spain saw its second largest telecommunication firm and electrical company compromised when the attack took down some of the systems used by Telefonica and Iberdrola. In some of these organizations, the management was forced to turn off their systems in an attempt to contain the problem(Sherr, 2017). Attack process WannaCrys problems started with Shadow Brokers who accessed NSA hacking tools that contained multiple vulnerabilities of computer systems. In these tools was a Windows vulnerability known as EternalBlue which was caused by a faulty messaging block protocol. Now, the protocol at hand was the Server Messaging Block (SMB), which is normally used to establish network connection across the application layer of the TCP/IP model. It is through this protocol that computers are able to share, read and write files across the networking connections they use. Moreover, it is through the same protocol that computers request services from other computers within their connections. Therefore, when compromised, the intruders could fully access a machine with minimal limitations(Liptak, 2017). WannaCry, having established this vulnerability, used the following procedure to attack systems across the world. First, the intrusion started by establishing a connection with the target machine, a function that was successfully done by the SMB handshake while exploiting the vulnerability of the protocol. Secondly, an encrypted file containing the malware program was sent to the machine. This program known as a payload contained the stager (starter) of the malware. Preventing the attack (Solution) According to experts, the attacks occurred because computer users failed to update their Windows systems. In essence, the initial versions of Windows computers contained the vulnerability established by the NSA but were later fixed by the subsequent update patches. Therefore, the first solution to the problem would have been to update the computers connected to the worldwide web. However, the developers (Windows) were at fault as they failed to highlight the extent of the vulnerability as it would have helped to push its customers to acquire the necessary solution. Windows should have prioritised the update feature to the customers having failed to secure the systems during its development stage(EY, 2017). On the other hand, the organizations affected should have had better security protocols to manage the attack. For one, most of these organizations facilitated the infiltration as they had minimal isolations within their networking infrastructures. Therefore, another possible solution would have been the isolation of the networks in use, either through firewalls or even through DMZs (demilitarised Zones). These features would have contained the problem in most of the organizations that were severely affected(CERT-EU, 2017). References CERT-EU. (2017). WannaCry Ransomware Campaign Exploiting SMB Vulnerability. CERT-EU Security Advisory 2017-012, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: Daitch, H. (2017). 2017 data breaches - the worst so far. Data breach technology personal, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: Deahl, D. (2017). Verizon partner data breach exposes millions of customer records. The Verge, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: (2017). WannaCry ransomware attack. Technical intellignece analysis, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from:$File/ey-wannacry-ransomware-attack.pdf. GReAT. (2017). WannaCry ransomware used in widespread attacks all over the world. Secure list, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: Kumar, M. (2017). Over 14 million Verizon customers' data exposed on unprotected AWS server. The hacker news, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: Liptak, A. (2017). The WannaCry ransomware attack has spread to 150 countries. The Verge, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: Mullin, G., Lake, E. (2017). MALICIOUS VIRUSWhat is Wannacry ransomware? Malware used to cripple NHS in 2017 cyber attack. The Sun, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: Response, S. S. (2017). What you need to know about the WannaCry Ransomware. Symantec official blog, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: Sherr, I. (2017). WannaCry ransomware: Everything you need to know. Cnet, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: Sicilian, R. (2017). Verizon suffers client data breach. Identity force, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: Verizon. (2017). 2017 Data Breach investigation report. Executive Summary, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: Wisner, M. (2017). Verizon customer information exposed in data breach. Fox buisness, cybersecurity, Retrieved 29 August, 2017, from: